Become an Early Adopter

So what does it mean to be an Early Adopter for WhoTakesCoin? 

We highly value people who are on the cutting edge of an idea. Sometimes, hopefully not too often, even the bleeding edge of technology. This is where the excitement is. Taking a concept or an vision and turning it into reality. 

At WhoTakesCoin, we are right there with you. Bitcoin, Blockchain, Crypto - Whatever you want to call it, is in its infancy and will continue to follow the Adoption Curve until it reaches a tipping point in the market place where the water begins to spill over the dam until it can no longer be stopped. 

Our ultimate goal is to provide a central hub for coin and to provide services to help those with the amazing ideas be able to offer them to the world. We marry real world common sense and business expertise with the wild ideas that will change the way we think. 

So what does it mean to be an early adopter with WhoTakesCoin? It means that you will be on the forefront of those great ideas when they come to fruition. You will be a central and collective component of the driving force that sheds light on blockchain to the world. You will be the magnet that attracts tectonic shifts in technology and business. 

Be as active as you have time to be and, if you find it isn't for you, no hard feelings. We hope you will stick around and still be a part of our mission - to deliver blockchain to the world. 

If you are truly an Early Adopter, then we are pretty confident this will be right up your alley so buckle your seatbelts. 



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